Monday, January 28, 2013

19 Januari 2013. I lost the baby.

Nothing much to say. I lost the baby. That is real. That is the fact.

Sad. Regret. Stress. I am complete insane if I said I don't feel that. TIPU.

Nevertheless. Alhamdulillah, with the iman of the thinnest as the onion's I can feel Allah is always beside me. A true companion. Affectionately. With the tears all nights. The sadness all day along, hidden in a fake smiles. I manage to send my message to Allah. And indeed HE heard mine. Sunnatullah, HE took the baby. But HE actually is giving me a bunch of loves that i get from the people around me. Parents. And families. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah.

Ya ni'mal mujib (3x).

Recovering I am. Supports I called forth. A shoulder to lean. And a pillow for rest.

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